Geert Molenberghs
Author of 5 CRAN packages
Geert Molenberghs has hit 5 packages. That's some impressive dedication right there! Geert Molenberghs has collaborated with 20 other authors. That's a huge network of talent—imagine all those lines of communication and brilliant ideas flying around!
5 Packages
- CorrMixedEstimate Correlations Between Repeatedly Measured Endpoints (E.g., Reliability) Based on Linear Mixed-Effects Models
- ImputeLongiCovsLongitudinal Imputation of Categorical Variables via a Joint Transition Model
- SurrogateEvaluation of Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical Trials
- addhazBinomial and Multinomial Additive Hazard Models
- mifaMultiple Imputation for Exploratory Factor Analysis
- Wim Van der Elst
- Dieter Hilgers
- & Nicole Heussen
- Pavlos Mamouris
- Vahid Nassiri
- Geert Verbeke
- Wim Van Der Elst
- Florian Stijven
- Fenny Ong
- Paul Meyvisch
- Alvaro Poveda
- Ariel Alonso
- Hannah Ensor
- Christoper Weir
- Renata T C Yokota
- Caspar W N Looman
- Wilma J Nusselder
- Herman Van Oyen
- Anikó Lovik
- Tobias Busch